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concrete texture

Concrete Footing Calculator

Precisely calculate the required concrete volume for your project's footings.

$ /
% waste
  • Dimensions
    A diagram of slab and footing measurements
    • Length
    • Width
    • Thickness
    • Quantity
Add Shape
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  • 3
  • Bags
  • Cost

How It Works

Simplify your concrete project with our free concrete footing calculator.

In just 3 easy steps, determine the exact concrete quantity needed for your footings. Whether dealing with various dimensions or calculating for multiple footings, our user-friendly calculator has you covered. Let's start calculating your concrete footings with ease!

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Calculating how much concrete you need for a footing has never been easier. Follow these 3 simple steps to make the process seamless and efficient. Let's get started!

1. Choose Your Settings

Select your unit type, cost type (by bag or by the yard/meter), bag size, cost and desired waste amount. Your settings will be automatically saved for when you come back the next time.

Settings for the concrete calculator
Settings for the concrete calculator

2. Choose Your Shape(s)

We understand that many projects require multiple shapes or dimensions. Choose from a slab, footing, column, stairs, curb/gutter, circle/tube or any combination of them—it doesn't matter how many you have, we'll do the heavy lifting.

choose your shapes for your measurements
choose your shapes for your measurements

3. Add Your Dimensions

Once your shapes are added, input the dimensions that you've measured for each of them. After that, your results will be shown!

Concrete measurements for a 10x10 slab that's 4 inches thick

Pretty easy, isn't it?

Edit, Save and Repeat

Now you can easily measure all of your concrete projects. Bookmark this page and your calculations will be here when you return. When you're done, reset the calculator and start with a fresh one.

Concrete Footing Formula

The Formula: Length × Width × Depth or Thickness
concrete footing dimensions

For precise measurement of a concrete footing, begin by using a tape measure to determine the length and width of the footing. It's essential to maintain consistency by measuring both dimensions in the same units.

Next, assess the depth or thickness of the footing, which signifies the vertical distance from the top surface to the bottom. Make sure to use the same units for the depth measurement as well.

Once you have obtained these three dimensions, you can calculate the concrete volume required for the footing by multiplying them together (length × width × depth), or by using our concrete footing calculator. This will give you an accurate estimate of the concrete needed to build the footing.

    • Dimensions
      A diagram of slab and footing measurements
      • Wall Height
      • Wall Width
      • Quantity
    • Dimensions
      A diagram of slab and footing measurements
      • Length
      • Width
      • Thickness
      • Quantity
    • Dimensions
      • Length
      • Width
      • Thickness
      • Quantity
    • Dimensions
      A diagram of slab and footing measurements
      • Length
      • Width
      • Depth
      • Quantity
    • Dimensions
      A diagram of column measurements
      Column Dimensions
      • Height
      • Diameter
      • Quantity
    • Dimensions
      A diagram of curb and gutter measurements
      • Length
      • Flag Thickness
      • Gutter Width
      • Curb Height
      • Curb Depth
      • Quantity
    • Dimensions
      A diagram of stairs measurements
      • Platform Depth
      • Width
      • Rise
      • Run
      • # of Steps
      • Quantity
    • Dimensions
      A diagram of circle and tube measurements
      • Outer Diameter
      • Inner Diameter
      • Height
      • Quantity
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